If you are interested in having a forest management plan drafted or are interested in a timber harvest, a list of professionals working in the general area can be found by using the link directly above.
Please see links below for a list for the the Lower Peninsula (specifically) and the State of Michigan in general.
Should you want to pursue forest management after meeting with Greg (see previous webpage):
Your profile will be confidentially posted to our website for a two-week period during which forest resource professionals will have the opportunity to express interest in your project. Please note that no personal information will be available on the website; only a basic profile and general location of your land will be made available in order to help consultants effectively express interest in your project.
Greg will compile a list of forest resource professionals who have expressed interest in helping you with your specific project and will provide further guidance on working with foresters.
It is up to the landowner to call the forest resource professionals and choose with whom they would like to work.
Greg will be available to follow up with you, answer any future questions, and help you with future forestry and non-game wildlife-related issues.
The Referral Process - For The Forest Resource Professional
Project #: 006-25-006 Date Posted: 11/5/24 Date Closing: 11/8/24 5 PM ET Location: Montmorency Co. T29N-R2E Acres:40 (total ownership) Forest Type: Upland mixed, upland coniferous (based on soil data/airphoto) Work Requested: The landowner of this property is looking for a consulting forester to represent her in logging commitments. This is a last-minute request. A site visit has not been made to the property.