*NOTICE* DHIP grant project applications for 2024 are closed due to the Michigan Department of Natural Resources' pause on project funding. Subscribe to our email newsletter below for the latest updates about this and other Alpena-Montmorency Conservation District services and programs.
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) Northern Lower Peninsula Deer Habitat Improvement Program (DHIP) is a grant program that aims to mitigate agricultural damage, forest regeneration loss, and bTB transmission caused by white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus). Habitat improvement projects include food plots, wildlife opening creation, rehabilitation, existing opening maintenance, conifer plantings, and tree plantings. Grant recipients agree to harvest more does than bucks, fill out a survey reporting deer observations, and TB test all harvested deer. Alpena-Montmorency Conservation District facilitated DHIP project funding from the MDNR to local residents from 2017 to 2023.